When Pim got back to the house there was no one there. Just a letter from Pim’s sibling, Gim.
Pim Comic Strip
How I came to write Pim
People often ask how I came to write Pim. It seems like a thousand years since I discovered Pim, or that Pim
discovered me. Thankfully I kept detailed notes and saved photos from that time. While I can’t swear to the
absolute accuracy of what you are about to read, I have done my best to capture the essence of how Pim entered my life.
Back at the house, while Slim was doing something with a match, it seems Gim caught on fire.
County Road 61 was also the place of unwanted pets. Luckily there were salt water vessels for Pim to slide into.
Pim turned onto County Road 61 and found himself in the place of unwanted and abandoned things.
Meanwhile Gim discovered a medication that cured Gim’s illness but which had an odd side effect.
Pim learned that division could be controlled by salt tablets and took one and went on a long dry walk in solitude.
Slim was surprised to find no trace of the siblings. Just some wear on the house.
And so Pim stood upon the shore and watched the departure of 8,191 siblings Pim would never see again.
And so a few minutes before 8,192 were set to divide into 16,384 Pim had an idea.
And so when Slim disentangled slimself from prison yet again, Slim returned to a house swollen with budding Pims.