Pim Comic Strip

How I came to write Pim
People often ask how I came to write Pim. It seems like a thousand years since I discovered Pim, or that Pim discovered me. Thankfully I kept detailed notes and saved photos from that time. While I can’t swear to the absolute accuracy of what you are about to read, I have done my best to capture the essence of how Pim entered my life.

Gim’s bottle rolled down a dune to what might be an oasis. Or just a mirage. Gim would find out.

Looking back, Pim noticed that three siblings had become two. The twine had frayed.

Meanwhile the buzzard went her own way, the landscape populated by a sole human pursuing the horizon.

The siblings headed homeward. Pim and Slim conveyed Gim by means of the empty bottle and two lengths of twine.

Then Pim showed up bearing a pizza with healthy toppings and a refillable bottle of artesian water.

Hours earlier the buzzard had dined on Gim, lying inert by a dumpster, and passed toxicity up the food chain.

And so, even starved as Slim was, Slim’s system rejected and regurgitated the bird.

Slim ingurgitated the bird quickly. Almost immediately Slim felt very ill indeed.

But just as Slim was about to expire a culinary possibility alighted.

Pim peered in wonder at the world Pim was returning to. Neither more nor less happily than Pim would go anywhere.