How I came to write Pim
People often ask how I came to write Pim. It seems like a thousand years since I discovered Pim, or that Pim
discovered me. Thankfully I kept detailed notes and saved photos from that time. While I can’t swear to the
absolute accuracy of what you are about to read, I have done my best to capture the essence of how Pim entered my life.
Posted on April 17, 2022
When their employer requested that a late night snack be left on a metal cart outside his chamber door, the Well-Dressed Albatross deemed this an excellent first assignment for Brad and directed him to the kitchen. Imagine Brad’s surprise when he discovered Ukifune there.
Posted on April 17, 2022
The Well-Dressed Albatross gave Brad a thorough tour of the mansion, directing Brad’s attention to the exquisite woodwork and textiles, though offering little information as to what Brad’s duties would be.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Brad was happily surprised to be greeted by a Well-Dressed Albatross of his acquaintance.
Posted on April 17, 2022
After discovering the job posting Brad called and was given an address for the interview. Being suspicious of anything anyone did, Millicent Pinchbeck felt it her civic duty to follow him.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Strangely unmoored by the random encounter with his twin, Brad found himself wandering he knew not whither. Passing behind a familiar strip mall, he once again came upon a career opportunity, and he once again leapt at it.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Later that night, Brad encountered his twin brother Darby travelling the opposite direction. Not having seen one another in years, they waved affectionately as they passed.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Brad eventually forgot what he was sad and ashamed about, and wandered towards a favourite pastime.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Believing that he’d failed at everything, Brad retreated from the world and assumed an abject posture on the side of a hill.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Realizing that he’d squandered Clive’s money on a foolish investment, Brad consulted Millicent Pinchbeck, who worked Thursday afternoons as a Life Counsellor.
Posted on April 17, 2022
Clive possessed an instinct whither Brad might wander and found him quickly. Brad’s explanation of what he had done with Clive’s money was incoherent. Clive’s response to Brad was unprintable.