Pim Comic Strip

How I came to write Pim
People often ask how I came to write Pim. It seems like a thousand years since I discovered Pim, or that Pim discovered me. Thankfully I kept detailed notes and saved photos from that time. While I can’t swear to the absolute accuracy of what you are about to read, I have done my best to capture the essence of how Pim entered my life.

Unbeknownst to each other Slim and the Well-Dressed Albatross boarded a train to somewhere else.

However, on circumnavigating the prison, Pim and Bim saw that Gim had removed three bricks, and through the gap all the prisoners had fled.

The sun gazed upon the prison and its scattered rescuers with bemused disinterest, as he gazed upon all things under him.

Familiar with the flaws in Slim’s brickwork Pim and Bim examined the structure for a point of ingress or egress.

A day later the papers suggested that associates of Slim would be rounded up. The Well-Dressed Albatross left the motel incognito.

From an unmarked helicopter dropped the article that had so troubled the WDA. For the daily paper tells the same story wherever it lands.

However, that night the WDA dreamed that reformers had liberated the prisoners, and imprisoned the WDA as a collaborator.

The Well-Dressed Albatross, keen on the dailies, read of Slim’s ungrounded incarcerations and the appalling conditions within the jail.

Gim–woefully neglected by this narrative for some time–had been moving painfully across the desert and came to Slim’s prison.